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Unfinished repairs

Reported via mobile in the Kerb Issues category anonymously at 09:29, Fri 17 November 2023

Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5222522.

A week ago after waiting months for the repair our public pathway was repaired. Not the crushed curbstones just the pathway. The curbstones are crushed, broken and sunken into the ground as constantly HGV’s mount the pavement when passing other HGV’s on the narrow bend. The curb stones are literally 2” above the ground which is pointless as the HGV’s drive straight over them. They really need replacing please. On another point, the contractors who repaired the pavement ran out of base materials 2/3rds of the required repairs, so the job is not finished. The remainder of the tarmac was dumped in the lay-by by the children’s park in Lyddington Road. Are we likely to have the job completed.

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  • Thank you for your report. We are currently experiencing very high levels of demand combined with staff shortages. Please bear with us whilst we resolve the resourcing issues. Your enquiry has been received and will be actioned over the coming months.

    Emergencies likely to cause danger to the public will be addressed straight away and other safety issues will be investigated.

    IMPORTANT: To report anything dangerous, please call us on: 01572 722577

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 12:55, Fri 17 November 2023

  • Following a review this report is now closed

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 17:55, Thu 7 December 2023

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