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Several large gaping holes on Queen Street

Reported via mobile in the Cracked or Damaged Road Surface category anonymously at 14:52, Fri 17 November 2023

Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5224351.

I nearly lost my wheel down there the other morning. There are cars parked perfectly legally but they are opposite the huge holes and there is no option but to drive through them. I have a Fiat 500 with very little road clearance and driving down there is dangerous. People are also at risk. If someone steps off the kerb and breaks a bone by falling into one of these craters, you’ll be sued

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  • Thank you for your report. We are currently experiencing very high levels of demand combined with staff shortages. Please bear with us whilst we resolve the resourcing issues. Your enquiry has been received and will be actioned over the coming months.

    Emergencies likely to cause danger to the public will be addressed straight away and other safety issues will be investigated.

    IMPORTANT: To report anything dangerous, please call us on: 01572 722577

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 16:55, Fri 17 November 2023

  • We have now inspected the defect according to our highways inspection policy which can be viewed at roads-transport-parking/ highways/ highways-plans-policies/ highway-inspection-policy.

    On receipt of reports, our Highway Inspection team make an assessment to determine if works are required. Only the larger defects which meet the safety intervention levels as outlined in the Inspection Policy are repaired. Any remaining defects are monitored for deterioration and added to other programmes of work for repair when resources are available. We also monitor and inspect the quality of repairs aiming to ensure that any work is carried out to the best and most appropriate standard.

    The limited resource available each year is insufficient to address all defects identified. For this reason, whilst priority defects will receive a repair within appropriate timescales as set out by the above policy, more minor defects will not be scheduled for immediate repair.

    As the defect you have reported does not meet the required level for an immediate repair it will not be repaired at this stage. Thank you for reporting this to us and this report has been closed.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 13:55, Wed 29 November 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.