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The grass verge on the left, at the junction of Braunston Road & Harrington Way was dug up - The Verge has not been returned to a satisfactory condition.

Reported via desktop in the Missed Grass Cutting category anonymously at 14:08, Mon 15 April 2024

Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5855062.

Post drainage/water work carried out after the flooding down Braunston Road earlier this year, a large portion of the grass verge on the left at the junction of Braunston Road & Harrington Way was dug up - The Verge has not been returned to anywhere near its previous flat and easy to mow state.

Infact, it is that bad, that when the verges were mown by Council Workers last week, only a small portion near the flower bed was mown. The rest was left - I guess due to grass verge being full of deep ruts & debris: bricks rocks etc (see attached pictures) - which would have damaged the mowing equipment....

These verges & flower beds at the entrance of Harrington Way, are tended regularly, to a high standard by residents of Harrington Way. I would like to think that the Council are able ensure this verge is returned to its previous flat, debris free, easy to mow & fully grassed state again. Thus not just making the entrance to Harrington Way, but also to Oakham, pleasing to the eye again.

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  • Thank you for reporting this issue. This is now being investigated.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 15:50, Fri 26 April 2024

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