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Public footpath impassable

Reported via desktop in the Missed Grass Cutting category anonymously at 09:19, Fri 12 July 2024

Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6221034.

This public footpath has not been mowed at all yet this year. It is completely overgrown. I walk this path at least five times a week and it is getting worse every day that I walk. It is in desperate need of mowing. It is usually mowed in the spring/early summer. I would assume it is the farmers responsibility as the path on the other side of the footpath sign (towards Tambourine Bridge) was mowed several weeks ago, but they didn’t continue on to the rest of the path that joins up with the farm track. It is impassable for anybody not in heavy duty walking gear and for most dogs also.

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  • Thank you

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 10:42, Mon 26 August 2024

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