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The grate you fitted is causing blockage

Reported via mobile in the Drains/Ditches Blocked category by Chris foers at 12:17, Wednesday 25 September 2024

Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6514096.

The grate you fitted to the drain entrance is causing the drain to block due to the debris being held against it. I have had to dig a relief channel into the road to allow some water out of the ditch before it floods my garden and possibly house. I do not believe the drainage issue was properly fixed in the first place and this is just a quick bodge. If it appears like this again I will remove the grate myself to prevent damage to my house and property. The main issue is the water run off from the fields further up cold Overton road overflowing across the highway, down hill towards Oakham itself then eventually runing into the ditch just above my house. None of this water runs off the highway into the verge scrapes and is unable to get away into the fields on the other side of the road. Unless someone actually comes out when it’s actually raining you cannot comprehend how much water is running down the highway into the ditch and then 8 inch drainpipe which is nowhere near big enough to cope with the volume of water generated Furthermore. The tarmac that was lifted earlier in the year on the footpath at the junction of Cood Overton Road and Mendip Road still has not been fixed and is causing a trip hazard

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  • Thank you for your report. We are currently experiencing very high levels of demand combined with staff shortages. Please bear with us whilst we resolve the resourcing issues. Your enquiry has been received and will be actioned over the coming months.

    Emergencies likely to cause danger to the public will be addressed straight away and other safety issues will be investigated.

    IMPORTANT: To report anything dangerous, please call us on: 01572 722577

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 10:55, Friday 27 September 2024

  • Photo showing the build up of debris trapped against the grille fitted to the drain mouth

    Posted by Chris foers at 11:44, Monday 30 September 2024

  • We have assessed your report and the repair of this defect has been added to our programme of works for completion within 3 months.

    IMPORTANT: If the defect becomes dangerous, please call us on: 01572 722577

    Posted by Rutland County Council at 03:54, Thursday 3 October 2024

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