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Road does not exist very dangerous

Reported via desktop in the Pothole category anonymously at 15:22, Wednesday 30 October 2024

Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6676581.

This has been like this for years and ignored. The Council put the road down originally and now it is being avoided. We pay our council tax as much as any one else in Ryhall who have roads done that do not need doing. I have lived here nearly 40 years and nothing has ever been done. The road and path are lethal and as the council put them down originally it will be your responsibility adopted or not. In this day and age it is disgusting how we are treated in this village. This road could be done and for another 40 years, but as it is will not last another year. If an ambulance came down here with a seriously ill person, it cause more damage/death as unable to move than a snails pace. NOT so Urgent ??

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