Flooding risk
Reported via desktop in the Property Flooding category anonymously at 09:58, Monday 3 February 2025
Sent to Rutland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7076204.
Concern that surface water flowing down Ridlington Road towards the village will enter the Pinfold property. Photos show surface water remaining after recent rains.
Pinfold property is slightly lower than the level of the road so water is running off onto their land rather than reaching the nearest waste drain. Is there anything that can be done to improve water flow in this area?
Thank you for your report. We are currently experiencing very high levels of demand combined with staff shortages. Please bear with us whilst we resolve the resourcing issues. Your enquiry has been received and will be actioned over the coming months.
Emergencies likely to cause danger to the public will be addressed straight away and other safety issues will be investigated.
IMPORTANT: To report anything dangerous, please call us on: 01572 722577
Posted by Rutland County Council at 01:55, Tuesday 4 February 2025
We have now inspected the location of the report according to our highways inspection policy which can be viewed at roads-transport-parking/ highways/ highways-plans-policies/ highway-inspection-policy.
We cannot find any defect that meets the level that a repair is required and therefore no repair is required at this stage. Thank you for reporting this to us and this report has been closed.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Rutland County Council at 02:05, Tuesday 4 February 2025
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.